When you do business with countries in the Eurozone, a current GBP / EUR exchange rate in your administration is essential.
When you work with Twinfield, there are several ways to update this rate.
When you do business with countries in the Eurozone, a current GBP / EUR exchange rate in your administration is essential.
When you work with Twinfield, there are several ways to update this rate.
Option 1
Automatically read the GBP / EUR exchange rate? Choose to automatically import exchange rates. This is easy with iQurrency. This online service automatically updates currency rates daily without the need to import a file. The reading is done via an automatic link.
Watch the explanation video (2 minutes)
Option 2
To adjust the GBP / EUR exchange rate, navigate in Twinfield to: settings -> administration settings -> currencies. Here you can create the Euro based on the ISO code (EUR). You can adjust the rate in the rates tab
Option 3
When the exchange rates are put in a spreadsheet and exported to an XML file, they can be imported into Twinfield. The XML file must meet several conditions. Twinfield has made an Excel template available for this. You can upload this file under file management in Twinfield.