Change the Yuan (CNY) rate in Twinfield

View the 3 options

If you trade with China, it is important that the current  Yuan (CNY) exchange rate is available in your administration. Up-to-date currency rates contribute to the reliability of financial information and are essential when making decisions.

Option 1

Read in the CNY EUR exchange rate by means of an automatic link

Do you want to read the Yuan rate without having to worry about it anymore? Then choose the automatic import of exchange rates. Reading in is easy with the automatic connection of iQurrency. This online service automatically updates exchange rates in Twinfield and Exact Online administrations on a daily basis without having to import a file.

Watch the explanation video (2 minutes)

Option 2

Manually adjust the Chinese Yuan in Twinfield

To adjust the CNY, navigate in Twinfield to: settings -> administration settings -> currencies. Here you can create Chinese Yuan based on the ISO code (CNY). You can adjust the rate in the rates tab.

Option 3

Import CNY into Twinfield

Dagelijks bieden de ECB en de OER xml bestanden met de actuele koersen aan. Het is mogelijk deze koersen te importeren via een XML bestand.

yuan pond